In the in-class presentations, which burger campaign did you like best? Why? 

Trick or Treat? I wish you a fantastic night on Halloween.
There are always Halloween related products found in October. You may see many drinks red in color or with eye-ball. Some restaurants also prepare pumpkins or foods that look scary or nasty. You may have tried some of them already. But, have you ever tried a burger in black that is a limited edition in Halloween?

I love this group’s idea. By relating a special burger with the fun festival, it raised the curiosity of the customers. It leads the customers to imagine how scary it may look like or how weird the texture or taste would be. Although it looked over-baked, it mentioned it is tasty that comfort the customers. And I really want to have a bite of it after reading the poster and see if it is the burger that would go deep in my memory.

One more shining point of this poster is the lady on the left. She is a celebrity of Hong Kong and also in the promotion of Halloween activities in one of the theme parks. The wise choice of the lady matches the theme of the poster perfectly, and more, let the customers immersed in the festival feeling. “Swallow your darkness” is the great slogan that the customers are not just simply eating a burger, a food, but also the trial of the stimulation of sense.

It will be great if this burger is not limited in Japan, but also in Hong Kong.

Messi, Drogba, Kaka, Lampard, Henry Pepsi Advertisement. ".
Link :

Have you ever watched this advertisement? How do you feel after watching it? Do you feel relax, hyper, excited and joy watching it?

This Pepsi advertisement was shown in 2010, which was the 19th FIFA World Cup held in South Africa. And certainly, the theme of this advertisement was football in Africa. It was suggested that this advertisement was targeting the football fans. By the number of 3,599,807 people (by 14th Oct ) watching it on youtube but not just on TV, it can be believed that people like this advertisement quite a lot. (Think of that you used to skip the ads rather than watch it!) But why they love it so much?

That’s look at the elements in this advertisement! We had the football stars, a great song "Oh Africa" sung by Akon, a beautiful environment, happy African wearing a smiley face and a football match. There are enough elements to make you feel like you were in Africa. We can also analysis this with the window effect. It allowed the audience to imagine that they were the football stars. After drinking EPSI MAX, they could be in the Africa challenging the local "football players". They could immerse themselves in the fantastic natural atmosphere. The natives were so fun, nice and mostly creative, with the resource they had. And of course, forget about the bulk of work and city life, and back the nature.

How can you resist a dream like that?

Short review of a photo essay
( Go and see more pictures there !!!!  )

Title of the photo essay: The real toy story – factories

We are familiar with the movie – The toy story. There are lots of cute characters in the movie along with a touching story. Toys are our best friends in our growths.

It is easy to get a new toy from the store. But – where does the toy come from? How was it born? Michael Wolf may give you the answer in his photo essay “The real toy story – factories “.

His photos were taken in a factory, capturing the manufacturing processing of the toys. It is scary if you looked at the broken limbs, empty face of the dolls and cartoon. It seems like you have entered a murdering company which is cleaning the dead body. Haha. The steps are much more complicated than expected for producing each single toy, not to mention the hard work behind the scene. It also rings a bell of the hardship of the workers. Even though they had a residential area nearby, they are still tired and fall asleep on the factory floor. They must be exhausted of the long working hours and handling this highly concentrated work.

Whenever we purchase a toy, we should be thankful to all the effort behind the toy and treasure it.   


    A final year engineering student struggling in her favorite book - Facebook. Always welcome to reach me in FB.   :D :D :D


    十月 2012
    九月 2012

