In the in-class presentations, which burger campaign did you like best? Why? 

Trick or Treat? I wish you a fantastic night on Halloween.
There are always Halloween related products found in October. You may see many drinks red in color or with eye-ball. Some restaurants also prepare pumpkins or foods that look scary or nasty. You may have tried some of them already. But, have you ever tried a burger in black that is a limited edition in Halloween?

I love this group’s idea. By relating a special burger with the fun festival, it raised the curiosity of the customers. It leads the customers to imagine how scary it may look like or how weird the texture or taste would be. Although it looked over-baked, it mentioned it is tasty that comfort the customers. And I really want to have a bite of it after reading the poster and see if it is the burger that would go deep in my memory.

One more shining point of this poster is the lady on the left. She is a celebrity of Hong Kong and also in the promotion of Halloween activities in one of the theme parks. The wise choice of the lady matches the theme of the poster perfectly, and more, let the customers immersed in the festival feeling. “Swallow your darkness” is the great slogan that the customers are not just simply eating a burger, a food, but also the trial of the stimulation of sense.

It will be great if this burger is not limited in Japan, but also in Hong Kong.

11/4/2012 01:20:58 pm

It's a very smart ad, consider the limited time you had!

a fantastic night in Halloween.
one of the theme park
The wise choose of this lady match the theme of


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    A final year engineering student struggling in her favorite book - Facebook. Always welcome to reach me in FB.   :D :D :D


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