
   A community of more than 50,000 like-minded folks gathers for a week in the Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada for the annual Burning Man festival. Cars are not allowed as transport in this temporary small city.  Art cars called Mutant vehicle are encouraged.  They're about radical self-expression.  In this photo, there is a vehicle looks like an anglerfish which is a deep-ocean fish. This species is less than 6 inches long and have ferociously sharp teeth and a unique luminescent lure hanging in front of their mouth. The luminescent is used for attracting the fish to come, so that the anglerfish can eat them. 
 The car is big in size and looks like powerful as there are so many sharp teeth in its “mouth”. However, there is nothing around it in the desert. Although it has the luminescent, nothing can be attracted to come as it is sunny. The luminescent cannot be prominent. Another reason is that there are very few people in desert. Then how can the luminescent be attractive?

For our lives, all the things should be done in the right place and the right time. Otherwise, a well equipped person may get nothing. 


  In this photo, there are two people who are father and daughter. From this photo, we can find that it is in the morning. They are living in a wood shack. The father is sitting in front of some drinks and is going to have a breakfast. He is alone and looks very sad. His daughter with a doll is standing behind the wall. She looks very frightened and she is afraid of her father.

  For the light contrast of two sides, the daughter is in the dark and the father is in the bright room. It shows that the daughter is living in a fear and does not want her father to know her existence. There is some old and dirty furniture behind he , but it looks quite tidy on the right. The daughter’s room looks like the midden. Also, she is holding the doll and nobody is on her side. She only can play with her doll, although her father is outside. It shows that she is alone and helpless. The photo shows the family violence.  

Poor is not that bad, but the poor relationship between family is the worst. We have to treasure and love our family.  

In this picture, there is a big cake and six people. The cake represents China and it is being divided and took by the people except the man raising the hands. The man raising the hands is Qing of China. The woman holding a knife is Queen Victoria of UK. The man who is thrusting a knife into the cake is William ll of Germany. Nicholas ll of Russia is the man who eyeing a particular piece. The woman standing behind Nicholas ll represents French. Meiji Emperor of Japan is contemplating carefully.

Qing looks very serious and wants to stop the people, but he cannot get nearby the cake. He doesn’t have any ideas. His fingernails are very long which shows he tries his best to stop the others. However, he doesn’t have any weapons while the people who are in front of him get a knife. From the eye contact of Queen Victoria and William ll , it shows the relationship between Britain and Germany is not really good. They are active and more powerful as they can divide the cake first. The other three people are looking at the cake and they want to take it away. Their ambition is very obvious. Meiji Emperor is contemplating carefully. He doesn’t argue with the others directly but plan to get the largest profit. He is very cunning.

This picture shows the helplessness of China and the ambition of the others. How is a nice cartoon!.
Source :

In this picture, there are a dead baby and a seal gripping a red-handed stick in the snow. And there is a slogan on the right bottom, “DON’T TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU. DON’T WANT TO BE TREATED ”. It is called on the humans should not kill the animals which should be protected instead.

The seal kills the baby using a red-handed stick. The baby is died without clothes in the snow. It shows that the naked baby is very wretched. The size of the seal is much bigger than the baby. It shows the power difference of the baby and the seal is very large, so that the seal can kill the baby easily. For the similar case, the humans with the weapons can kill the animals easily. And the animals are wretched just like the dead baby shown in the picture. The baby should be protected by the others. The baby and seal also have wonderful lives. Why do the humans kill them instead of protecting them? It doesn’t make sense and fair.

From now on, a slogan “Respect yourself! Respect others! Respect lives!” should be kept in our mind.


Source:,1278,9740880,00.shtml (23 April , 2011)

From the picture, we can see the dull background. It makes the readers feel uncomfortable and gives us a horrible feeling. Also, the Snow White looked despised. She seems like looking down the old lady. That means the food from Japan and Japanese were suspected and looked down by the others. The Snow White was holding a magnifier. It means the people had to focus on the food and be careful of it.

And from the question of Snow White, “Wait a minute! Do you come from Japan?” , it called us to be aware of and pay attention to the food. When looking at the picture, we will imagine the Snow White, a popular story. Snow White was dead after eating the toxic apple from the vicious queen. Therefore, this appeal was in the negative way.

Most obviously, the Snow White was holding a newspaper with headline, ”Japan Nuclear Radiation”. Moreover, we can see that the old woman was discouraged. It seems that her jig was up and nobody would believe in her.

Using the toxic apple to compare the food from Japan is ridiculous. It leads the anger of the Japanese or even all the people in the world. In this case, we should try our best to help the people in need but not satirizing the food of them because we are humans.