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In this picture, there are a dead baby and a seal gripping a red-handed stick in the snow. And there is a slogan on the right bottom, “DON’T TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU. DON’T WANT TO BE TREATED ”. It is called on the humans should not kill the animals which should be protected instead.

The seal kills the baby using a red-handed stick. The baby is died without clothes in the snow. It shows that the naked baby is very wretched. The size of the seal is much bigger than the baby. It shows the power difference of the baby and the seal is very large, so that the seal can kill the baby easily. For the similar case, the humans with the weapons can kill the animals easily. And the animals are wretched just like the dead baby shown in the picture. The baby should be protected by the others. The baby and seal also have wonderful lives. Why do the humans kill them instead of protecting them? It doesn’t make sense and fair.

From now on, a slogan “Respect yourself! Respect others! Respect lives!” should be kept in our mind.

11/7/2012 04:54:29 pm

there are a dead baby and a seal gripping
a red-handed stick.
The baby is died

Cathy Lau
11/7/2012 11:42:26 pm

OH! I was shocked when I saw this photo. It's too bloody!


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