
   A community of more than 50,000 like-minded folks gathers for a week in the Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada for the annual Burning Man festival. Cars are not allowed as transport in this temporary small city.  Art cars called Mutant vehicle are encouraged.  They're about radical self-expression.  In this photo, there is a vehicle looks like an anglerfish which is a deep-ocean fish. This species is less than 6 inches long and have ferociously sharp teeth and a unique luminescent lure hanging in front of their mouth. The luminescent is used for attracting the fish to come, so that the anglerfish can eat them. 
 The car is big in size and looks like powerful as there are so many sharp teeth in its “mouth”. However, there is nothing around it in the desert. Although it has the luminescent, nothing can be attracted to come as it is sunny. The luminescent cannot be prominent. Another reason is that there are very few people in desert. Then how can the luminescent be attractive?

For our lives, all the things should be done in the right place and the right time. Otherwise, a well equipped person may get nothing. 

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