
(Resource from http://www.exercisesinstyle.com/)

    How to living in a 6cm X 4cm Room? As newspaper can only provide limited space for comics, cartoonists usually use 6cm x 4cm spaces to organizing their ideas. It is a difficult task for cartoonists to use the spaces effectively and share their ideas to readers. One of the cartoonists, Matt Madden, uses a man living in 6cm X4cm room to illustrate the limited space for creating a series of comics. What are the characteristics of the comics drawn by Matt Madden? Let’s see.  

   Madden using four squares sized 6cm x 4cm to draw a man living in the small room. Living in that room, not only the man cannot stretch his arms freely, but also he speaks no more than one sentence. Apparently, the comic reflects how the minds of cartoonists living in 6cm X 4 cm rooms. Their ideas would not be allowed to breakthrough these small squares whatever they possess larges of creative ideas.



(Resource from: www.pul.se)

    When you look at a cup of ice cream, what are the first thing come into your mind? Sitting at the beach in a sunny day and enjoying the icy ice-cream, sharing your ice-cream with your lover or other mirthful things that you can imagine. In the advertisement of Antinio Federici claiming the best ice-cream in the world brings a different concept on ice-cream.

    First of all, the advertisement describes a beautiful sister as pregnancy is eating the Antinio Federrici ice-cream in the church. The advertisement makes audiences feel confuse and uncomfortable. “How can the sister being pregnant?” ”Why the woman eating ice-cream with satisfied smile when she is pregnant?” When you are starting to consider these questions, the producing team succeeds in drawing your attention and creating controversy which challenge the social norm.

     Apparently, using these controversies, the advertisement is succeeded in bringing an important message – the devil attraction of Antinio Federrici ice-cream. Everyone loves it no matter a sister. All of us loves it even a pregnancy. That’s why Antinio Federrici ice-cream becomes the best ice-cream in the world.   

From my point of view, although I appraise the producing team using the controversy to explain an idea, I do not agree to use sister and pregnancy as controversy issue for promoting. It seems to me that the producing team is not respect religious.   

There you are - CHANEL N°5 Part 1

(Resource from: http://www.youtube.com/user/CHANEL/featured?v=mGs4CjeJiJQ)

Wherever I go - CHANEL N°5 Part 2

(Resource from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UvVmMamNgE)

CHANEL N°5 – Whenever I go, There you are


       Chanel N°5 is the newest female perfume produced by a famous brand Chanel. The company has created a series of advertisement for the promotion of the perfume. When the advertisements are released, many people feel very confuse and try to figure out the relationship between perfume and advertisements. Intriguingly, what are the main attractions of the series of advertisement?       

Before going into a deeper discussion, the description of the advertisements is needed. Part one is a monologue of the man. The scene only focuses on the man. In Part two, similar to part one, the man is still giving a monologue. However, the scene in part two first focuses on two girls, then the focus back to the man.

The most interesting things in these advertisements are the unchanged monologue and the different scenes. Although the content is the same, the changing scenes bring different impression to audience. The former one mainly focuses on the monologue. Through the monologue, the audience can imagine how the man meeting different women and tracking their scents. The bottom one is clearer to use scenes of women to help audience to associate the monologue and female perfume. It is easier to understand the advertisement in part two.

From my point of view, I am favored in part one. It provides enough spaces for me to imagine the beautiful story occurred with the man and a mysterious woman using Chanel No.5.It’s amazing. To you, which ones do you like it?
    Have you ever imagined someone kicking the police on the street? It sounds like crazy and impossible. However, the issue was the real story in Greece- a man was kicking the police who were holding shields in order to against the fiscal austerity proposed by government. Except from the serious topic on tackling the financial crisis in Greece, Intriguingly, the photographer has created two vivid contrasts to sculpture the man as if a hero with brave and strength.

     In the photo, a group of well-equipped policemen has contrasted with the kicking man only wearing T- shirt and jeans. The group and alone, the well-equipped and causal wears are the hints to what the photographer dare to sculpture a brave image of the man . How awesome the photographer to break through the stereotype which police is all brave.

     Apart from that, the background and the kicking man also drew the contrast on groups and individual. If you look at the photo careful, it is not difficult to find that a group of demonstrants were stood behind the kicking man. Through the contrast on number, the photographer apparently shown the kicking man was the pioneer which was standing in front of citizens. The image of Hero was fully developed by the brilliant photographer.


Money attraction - a political cartoon on Obama foreign policy

Resource: http://www.cagle.com/2012/09/raising-obamas-flag/

    As the America movie named <The Innocence of Muslims> apparently satirized the Muslim spirit leader Muhammad, many pious Muslims in Arab protested against the American by burning American flag, killing America diplomatists and so on.   

    The cartoon drawn by Gary McCoy has shown a Muslim with angry expression was burning an American flag. On the other side, the American president Obama was bringing a lot of money and gazing at the Muslim. Near Obama, there were three donkeys was raising the Obama’s flag.'
    Through the cartoon, McCoy criticized the Obama’s Foreign policy in handling the relationship between America and Middle East. Although Obama brought bags of money which was refer to the issue of giving lots of taxpayer money to the Middle East to settle down the relationship, the angry Muslim still continued to burning American flag. It has shown that the relationship between America and Middle East cannot be solved under Obama’s policy. Also, McCoy indicated that Democratic Party was innocent which has shown three donkeys in the cartoon represented as the Democratic Party members truly supported Obama’s policy. Hence, McCoy did not agree with the foreign policy of Obama and Democratic Party.