
Money attraction - a political cartoon on Obama foreign policy

Resource: http://www.cagle.com/2012/09/raising-obamas-flag/

    As the America movie named <The Innocence of Muslims> apparently satirized the Muslim spirit leader Muhammad, many pious Muslims in Arab protested against the American by burning American flag, killing America diplomatists and so on.   

    The cartoon drawn by Gary McCoy has shown a Muslim with angry expression was burning an American flag. On the other side, the American president Obama was bringing a lot of money and gazing at the Muslim. Near Obama, there were three donkeys was raising the Obama’s flag.'
    Through the cartoon, McCoy criticized the Obama’s Foreign policy in handling the relationship between America and Middle East. Although Obama brought bags of money which was refer to the issue of giving lots of taxpayer money to the Middle East to settle down the relationship, the angry Muslim still continued to burning American flag. It has shown that the relationship between America and Middle East cannot be solved under Obama’s policy. Also, McCoy indicated that Democratic Party was innocent which has shown three donkeys in the cartoon represented as the Democratic Party members truly supported Obama’s policy. Hence, McCoy did not agree with the foreign policy of Obama and Democratic Party.

10/2/2012 03:58:32 pm

gazed the Muslim...gazing at[?]
Though the cartoon...

After reading your analysis, I have a better understanding of the three donkeys...I was quite confused about their hoisting of a flag, I didn't quite understand this point. But your explanation makes sense!


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