
(Resource from: www.pul.se)

    When you look at a cup of ice cream, what are the first thing come into your mind? Sitting at the beach in a sunny day and enjoying the icy ice-cream, sharing your ice-cream with your lover or other mirthful things that you can imagine. In the advertisement of Antinio Federici claiming the best ice-cream in the world brings a different concept on ice-cream.

    First of all, the advertisement describes a beautiful sister as pregnancy is eating the Antinio Federrici ice-cream in the church. The advertisement makes audiences feel confuse and uncomfortable. “How can the sister being pregnant?” ”Why the woman eating ice-cream with satisfied smile when she is pregnant?” When you are starting to consider these questions, the producing team succeeds in drawing your attention and creating controversy which challenge the social norm.

     Apparently, using these controversies, the advertisement is succeeded in bringing an important message – the devil attraction of Antinio Federrici ice-cream. Everyone loves it no matter a sister. All of us loves it even a pregnancy. That’s why Antinio Federrici ice-cream becomes the best ice-cream in the world.   

From my point of view, although I appraise the producing team using the controversy to explain an idea, I do not agree to use sister and pregnancy as controversy issue for promoting. It seems to me that the producing team is not respect religious.   

11/4/2012 01:39:01 pm

Agree...sometime advertisements use controversy to make people think, but this one? I just can't make the connection at all.

the first thing come into
Sitting at the beach in a sunny day
a beautiful sister as pregnancy
How can the sister being pregnant?” ”Why the woman eating ice-cream with satisfied smile when she is pregnant?


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