52168783 - Lam Wing Man

GE2409 Words and Images W2
 Writing about editorial cartoons

Link: http://www.cagle.com/news/iphone5/
Title : Dying for the new iPhone
By: Jimmy Margulies

 The chosen cartoon is about the sale of the new iPhone. On the left hand side of the picture, there are people queuing in the Apple store to buy the new phone. And on the right hand side, there are workers (“Chinese Workers” at their back) walking into the FOXCONN manufacturing building. The title is clearly shown on the top “Dying for the new iPhone”.

In this picture, we can guess that Mr. Margulies is showing his negative feeling on the new iPhone. The word “dying” is very strong feeling term. The picture shows both the selling and the manufacturing part of the iPhone which proposed that there are two sides about the phone that we should look into. It shows that the customers are crazy for a new iPhone while the workers are suffering in producing an iPhone.

The author may not be a fan of iPhone and he does remember the sad news from FOXCONN. And this picture is mainly for those who are planning to plan or bought iPhone. FOXCONN is a company who sell components to APPLE. FOXCONN had sad news of numerous staff commit suicide due to high pressure. When people are crazy about the new iPhone, not many of them care about how their phones come from. He is telling a story that, not only the good sales should be emphasized, but also criticize the social responsibility a company bear. The phone is coming from the hardship of the workers and the audience who buy iPhone should feel guilty. As you buy iPhone, you are agreeing the company’s attitude to treat the workers badly. (though FOXCONN ‘s staff is not directly under APPLE. )

I agree with the author that we should not forget the hardship of the workers. We should not blame the cool blooded company only when we see the news. What we should do is to think whether the company is a social responsible company before our purchase.

11/4/2012 01:24:25 pm

What are the meaning of 'dying for'? it may be both positive and negative. I am dying for an ice-cream.,...dying for this day to be over?

It's quite true, the craze for a new iPhone is beyond my understanding. Why do you want a new phone if your current phone is not that old or broken?

11/4/2012 11:35:40 pm

When we talk about FOXCONN, the word of "suicide" will pop up in our minds because there are so many heartbreaking news reported. I really hope FOXCONN can do someting for their employees and stop such a case happening again.

11/5/2012 12:48:06 am

It is really sad.
Customers are not purchasing the phone now, but cheat it as a fashion or luxury. We can't say it wrong, but it just a waste of resource and too crazy.
FOXCONN should surely do something to stop the tragedy. Companies or customers who bought their pressure should also help to give pressure to urge for improvement.


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    A final year engineering student struggling in her favorite book - Facebook. Always welcome to reach me in FB.   :D :D :D


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