52168783 Lam Wing Man

GE2409 week 1 power point 1b

Source of picture
<Guest Artists – Dave McKenna>


There are more than one picture in the comic, and they are read from left to right and top to bottom. Ignorance of the “different language” from Dave McKenna, It is using the more or less the same dialogue as the template (the original one).

We let the template one as the old information and help with the analysis.

The original one was about a man using computer and went down to fridge to get something. On the way, someone asked about the time and he answered 1:15. He then forgot what he supposed to get from the fridge. Though the second people did not show up, we could guess that there was a woman or maybe his wife was in upstairs.

The <Guest Artists – Dave McKenna> was kind of fun. The story was happened million years ago. There was a man ready to hunt. His wife used some unknown language to ask him something. He used his rod, checked and answered. With the “old information” of the original one, we can guess that they are talking about the time. And eventually, the man forgot what he supposed to hunt.

With a different time and venue, the producer fixed all the elements for the ancient period. Though we could not 'read' the dialogue, with the known old information, we could still understand the scene. The unknown words were used to indicate that their chat. The new version breaks the constraint of time and thought. And it brings more fun to the readers.

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    A final year engineering student struggling in her favorite book - Facebook. Always welcome to reach me in FB.   :D :D :D


    十月 2012
    九月 2012

