Source:,1278,9740880,00.shtml (23 April , 2011)

From the picture, we can see the dull background. It makes the readers feel uncomfortable and gives us a horrible feeling. Also, the Snow White looked despised. She seems like looking down the old lady. That means the food from Japan and Japanese were suspected and looked down by the others. The Snow White was holding a magnifier. It means the people had to focus on the food and be careful of it.

And from the question of Snow White, “Wait a minute! Do you come from Japan?” , it called us to be aware of and pay attention to the food. When looking at the picture, we will imagine the Snow White, a popular story. Snow White was dead after eating the toxic apple from the vicious queen. Therefore, this appeal was in the negative way.

Most obviously, the Snow White was holding a newspaper with headline, ”Japan Nuclear Radiation”. Moreover, we can see that the old woman was discouraged. It seems that her jig was up and nobody would believe in her.

Using the toxic apple to compare the food from Japan is ridiculous. It leads the anger of the Japanese or even all the people in the world. In this case, we should try our best to help the people in need but not satirizing the food of them because we are humans.